In this post, we answer how many acres is a Football Field and many other similar questions you may have. Let’s start with the dimensions of an acre.
Table of Contents
- Dimensions of an Acre
- How Many Acres in a Football Field
- How Many Acres in a Hectare
- How Many Acres is Rhode Island
- How Many Acres is Piedmont Park
- How Many Acres is Lake Lanier
- How Many Acres of Land is Earth

Dimensions of an Acre
An acre is commonly referred to when speaking about real estate, a term we often take for granted. So exactly how big is an acre? An acre is 43,560 square feet or 4,840 square yards. It can be made up of any number of dimensions. It can be a long and thin section of land – or a blocky square of land or anything in-between. To help us visualize the size dimension, you can think about an acre as being 66 feet x 660 feet also 208.71 feet × 208.71 feet. For the typical U.S. resident, it might create more understanding to describe it as being 85 yards by 58 yards. Perhaps the easiest way to visualize an acre is to say an acre is just slightly over 75% of the size of a standard American football field. An acre can also be conceptualized as being approximately 16 tennis courts.
How Many Acres in a Football Field
As we just discussed, the standard American football field is just slightly larger than one acre. An acre consists of 43,560 square feet. A football field is 48,000 square feet – a difference of 4,440 feet. This indicates only one acre will fit within a football field with just a little acreage to spare. Remember, an acre of land takes up just slightly over 75% of a football field.
In the World of a farmer or a real estate agent, an acre is looked on as an area of land that is one furlong long by 4 rods wide. But this is a manner of talking about acres that is beyond the average layperson – a vernacular that is pretty specific to those who deal with land as professionals on an ongoing basis.
How Many Acres in a Hectare
First of all, if you’re asking yourself, “what the heck is a hectare, to begin with?” – a hectare is a measured unit of area that is used in the International System of Units(SI). The hectare originated in 1795 as part of the metric system. The hectare is equal to 10,000 meters of area. It is equivalent to approximately 2.471 acres of land.
The current day use of the hectare is to serve as a standard unit of measurement that can be used to measure land areas around the globe. It merits mentioning that while the hectare is not officially an SI unit – it is accepted and used within the SI. Even the SI materials and brochure openly recognize that worldwide use of the hectare as a standard unit of land measurement is expected to “continue indefinitely” as the accepted standard.
How Many Acres is Rhode Island?
Rhode Island makes up a total area of about 988,800 acres. This includes all areas including both land and water. Rhode Island’s area that is comprised exclusively of landmass is 775,680 acres. That leaves the remaining 213,120 acres that are made up of water.
Rhode Island is among the region of New England states on the NorthEast coast of the United States. Rhode Island is the smallest U.S. state in terms of geographic size and the seventh-least populated(1,098,163) among the states according to the number reported in the 2020 census. However, it might surprise you to learn that Rhode Island is also the second-most densely populated state – falling just behind the state of New Jersey.
Visualizing the size of an acre can be a difficult leap, and wrapping your mind around just how big 988,800 acres is – amounts to something that is completely baffling for most of us. Let’s provide a comparison so we have at least something to conceptualize just how small Rhode Island really is.
We already know that Rhode Island is the smallest state in terms of acreage. It is followed by Delaware as the second smallest landmass state, then Connecticut as number three, and New Jersey as number four.
On the other side of the slate are those among the largest states in terms of landmass. The three largest landmass states in the U.S. are Alaska, Texas, and California. Each of the three is comprised of more than 100 million acres of total area.
So how do all the other states compare? Curious Minds may want to know just how their home state ranks in terms of landmass size – or how all 50 states rank. Here’s where each of the 50 states rank:
Ten Largest States:
- #1 Alaska
- #2 Texas
- #3 California
- #4 Montana
- #5 New Mexico
- #6 Arizona
- #7 Nevada
- #8 Colorado
- #9 Oregon
- #10 Wyoming
States in the Mid-Range:
- Michingn
- Minnesota
- Utan
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- South Dakota
- Washington
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Missouri
- Florida
- Wisconsin
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Iowa
- New York
- North Carolina
- Arkansas
- Alabama
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Virgina
- Tennessee
- Kentucky
- Indiana
- Maine
- South Carolina
Ten Smallest States:
- West Virginia
- Maryland
- Hawaii
- Massachusetts
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Rhode Island
How Many Acres is Piedmont Park?
At 185 acres, Atlanta’s premier park seems luxurious – but by comparison, it is dwarfed by other inner-city parks. By comparison, Chicago’s Lincoln Park is more than 1,200 acres in size.
How Piedmont Park Compares to Park sizes in other Cities:
Atlanta’s Piedmont Park — 185 acres
New York’s Central Park — 840 acres
Chicago’s Lincoln Park — 1,208 acres
New Orleans’ City Park — 1,300 acres
St. Louis Forest Park — 1,300 acres
While not the largest urban park, it is the central park in Atlanta and the size allows for some features that the citizens can enjoy extending far beyond what is in the typical park that has less space.
Among the Amenities at Piedmont Park:
The large expanse of land allows you to legally let your canine buddy run loose in a special off-leash area in the Piedmont Dog Park. Your furry friend will have just under three acres to play in. And nervous pet owners can relax knowing that there are separate enclosures to isolate large dogs from the smaller or more fragile dogs.
This generous acreage also accommodates an outdoor “Green Market” offering fresh local food, handmade goodies, chef demonstrations, live music, and more. You can either be a consumer of the outdoor market or participate in selling as one of the vendors.
Piedmont Park hosts many annual Atlanta festivals, which become abundant during the warm months. During such festivals, the festivity becomes palpable. The music, delicious foods, crafts, and various exhibits create a delightful environment. All made possible due to the large expanse of acreage available for these unusual park amenities.
The vast expanse of acreage also provides plenty of places to walk or run, with a variety of options to meet your specific exercise preferences and goals.
Popular trails:
Active Oval: This trail circles the ballfields at a moderate grade incline. Completion of the trail is a distance of a little over a half-mile.
Lake Loop: This trail will circle Lake Clara Meer with a consistent grade and totals .96-miles.
Lake and Active Oval: This trail goes around both the lake and ballfields at a moderate grade incline to total a distance of 1.15 miles.
Park Loop: This trail circuit combines both the Lake and Active Oval circuit with an additional loop around The Meadow. On completion, you’ll complete 1.68 miles on this circuit. Park Loop has the largest increase in elevation.
The open space accommodates many places where you can enjoy a refreshment. Places to stop and try include:
- Grab a juice at Nectar by the park’s pool
- try a special brew at Blue Donkey Coffee, located near the bocce courts
- Park Tavern at the park’s southeast corner to enjoy sushi, a burger, or drinks
How Many Acres is Lake Lanier?
The very first obvious question – is just how big is an acre. We must first wrap our minds around just how big an acre is before making comparisons to the size of an acre to various other spaces.
Another beautiful natural spacious landmark wonder within the Georgia area is Lake Lanier. It is the largest lake in the state of Georgia, having almost 700 miles of shoreline which spreads over 38,000 majestic acres.
With several million visitors annually enjoying its recreational facilities, Lake Lanier is the most popular lake in the southeast. You will enjoy the time you spend at Lake Lanier. We guarantee it.
This Lake area offers something for every visitor. The most classic and popular activities include boating, fishing, and camping. Beyond that, Lake Lanier offers options for the entire family. They have golfing facilities, an outstanding place for kayaking, water skiing, and ideal swimming spots.
How Many Acres of Land is on Earth?
So now let’s talk about the big kahuna! What about the acreage on the planet Earth? Planet Earth is 123 billion acres in overall size – and 37 billion of that is comprised of landmass. Of the acreage on the planet, the majority is made up of water at 70.8%. This encompasses the streams, lakes, reservoirs, and oceans to include the polar ice caps. Agricultural endeavors and use make up 12% of the overall acreage. Approximately 29.2% of Earth’s surface is made up of land consisting of continents and islands.
If we do the math for our entire planet, the entire land surface of Earth is approximately 57,308,738 square miles. Of that, about 33% is desert land and 24% is mountainous. If you subtract 57% of the area determined uninhabitable, this leaves a balance of 24,642,757 square miles available – which equates to 15.77 billion acres of habitable land.
If we divide this figure by our current human population of 7 billion, you get 2.3 acres (about one hectare)available per person. If all habitable land on the planet were equally distributed among all human beings on the planet, this reflects the per capita share of land allotted per individual. This computation does not make allowances for any extra considerations such as roadways, schools, hospitals, shopping malls, agricultural fields, rivers, lakes, and parks. After this lengthy discussion about acreage and space, do you think you could live on 2.3 acres?
If that question baffles you, consider this; studies have been made to determine an estimated amount of land needed to sustain an average human. Results determine that a person living the extravagant lifestyle of the average American requires almost 24 acres to sustain. That’s ten times the world per capita share. Something to seriously consider as we ponder the value of the size and availability of something we call an acre!
I hope this article helped you clear up some questions you had on how many acres are in a football field and other similar questions you may have had as well.