Welcome to the ultimate list of DIY compost bin designs and plans.
If you’re looking for how to make compost bin DIY style in your own backyard, this is the post for you.
This guide covers all sorts of different compost bins. Most of them you can make at home. Including homemade compost bins, you can make in your own backyard.
After composting for a while, you tend to get lots of ideas for compost bins ideas as you’re doing it or randomly in the shower. Many of these ideas are in this post as well as all of the other ideas I’ve come across from other DIY composters.
After reading this compost DIY guide and start making your own compost bins, DIY style, you’ll find that building compost bins is fun.
73 DIY Composting Bin Ideas
Many of us homesteaders naturally become composter DIY experts. Do it yourself is a big part of daily life as a homesteader, learning and developing DIY composting skills is essential.
DIY compost bins are one of the easier homestead projects that you could do. At the same time, they are some of the most valuable items in your homestead. Which is why I wanted to make this post for you of these DIY compost bin ideas.
Below is the ultimate homesteading projects list of DIY Compost bin plans and ideas. Without a doubt, you’ll get plenty of easy homemade composting bin ideas. There are dozens of different kinds in all shapes, sizes, and specific purposes. Pick one that works for. your specific needs and you can get the DIY project done in an afternoon.
How To Make a Compost Bin From a Plastic Dustbin

If you have a plastic dustbin or another type of trash can, here’s a complete guide on how to make a DIY Compost bin with a dustbin.
DIY Wormfarm on a Budget
Worm farming has always been a fun hobby. It’s one of the most underrated things to do because “worms are gross”. But as you learn more about earthworms and the environmental benefits, you develop a great appreciation for it.
You can also start with a very minimal budget. You can start your worm farm on a budget even in your spare time.
DIY Worm Bin
If you’re going to be worm farming, first of all, congrats. Secondly, you’ll need a composting bin as well. Here’s how to make the DIY worm compost bin in your spare time.
DIY Vermicompost Bin
There are other options for worm composting bins you can make at home. This is a simple and inexpensive DIY vermicompost bin you can easily make in an afternoon. The tutorial below will show you exactly how to make it, step by step.
Repurposed Plastic Tote Compost Bin
Repurposing is a valuable homesteading skill to learn and master. Since we’re talking about making homemade composting bins and such, this one is about how to repurpose a plastic tote into a compost bin in your backyard.
Cheap $ Compost Bin
If you’re looking for one of the least expensive options, this cheap DIY compost bin is a good one to start out with. It’s easy to make. It’s simple, light,
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
Simple DIY Five Gallon Bucket Compost Bin
This is a. quick and dirty type of bin. If you’re looking for a barebones minimum investment don’t want to do anything type of bad hair day, this is a simple DIY five-gallon compost bin for you.
Upcycled Tire And Drum Bin
What do you normally do with your used tires?
Do you toss them? Donate them? Did you end up using them for a project?
Tires have many great uses for self-reliance. This is one of them. See how to upcycle used tires to make a compost bin.
DIY Earthworm Compost Bin
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
Cheap And Easy Stackable Compost Bin
Watch the video below on. how to make this easy and cheap compost bin at home.
Upcycled Shower Door Compost Bin
Did you ever think you could upcycle a shower door into a compost bin?
Easy Indoor Vermicomposting Bin
Here’s how to make the easy indoor vermicompost bin in a spare afternoon.
Super Easy DIY Compost Bin
See below in the video on how to build this compost bin with limited tools.
Three-Tiered Worm Compost Bin
What’s better than a single bin worm compost? A three-bin compost. Also known as a 3-tier worm compost bin. Here is one of our three-bin compost plans that you can make DIY style.
And the level of difficulty and effort required isn’t multiplied by 3 either. It’s easy to make.
DIY Plastic Bucket Worm Bin
Here’s how to make this easy compost bin from plastic buckets.
DIY 18-gallon Compost Worm Bin
The 5-gallon project isn’t big enough for you? Try this one. Perfect for the do it yourself compost master to take on.
Here’s how you can make an 18-gallon worm compost bin.
DIY Mini Worm Compost Bins
These mini worm-composting bins are perfect projects for kids to sharpen their DIY skills with. I’ve always said that the younger a person can start learning self-reliance and the importance of developing these types of skills, the better and more successful they will become.
DIY Homemade Worm Compost Bin
Make a worm compost bin right in your own house. There are different variations of them you can make.
Since it’s indoors, you don’t want to be messier than you have to be. This one is one of the best homemade worm composters you can do at home.
Easy DIY Angled Compost Bin
Make an easy angled composting bin.
Easy Leftover Lumber Compost Bin
Take your leftover lumber and make an easy bin for composting.
Upcycled Landscape Timber Compost Bin
You can upcycle your landscape timber to make a bin as well.
DIY Woven Compost Bin
Weave your way into composting and make a woven compost bin.
Upcycled Wheelbarrow Compost Bin
Take a wheelbarrow and upcycle it into a DIY wheelbarrow composter bin.
DIY Ultimate Three Bin Compost Bin
This is one of the best large composter options you have for homemade composting bins.
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
Odor Free Indoor Compost Bin
Skip the odor and make one that smells good to be around.
Upcycled Cardboard Box Compost Bin
Cardboard boxes are cheap and easy to store. Use them to make a. composting bin.
Practical Homemade Compost
Not all homemade homesteading projects are practical. This one is.
Make a practical compost bin here.
Make a Compost Bin Under 15 Minutes
Got 15-minutes? It’s all you need to. make this composting bin.
Quick And Easy Two Bin Compost Bin
Here’s how to make a quick, simple, and inexpensive composting bin in your backyard,
Decorative Compost Bin
If you want to make a good looking compost bin to impress your friends, this m
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
DIY Square Compost Bin
The title says it all really. If you want to make a compost bin that’s, well, in a. square shape. This is the composting project for you.
Simple DIY Porch Compost Bin
Make a beautiful porch compost bin that’s easy to make.
2-Bucket Rotating Composter
The video tutorial below will show you how to make a DIY rotating composter with just two buckets you probably already have around the homestead.
DIY Rotating Compost Barrel
These rotating hardware bins make for great compost devices.
Watch the video below on how to make a DIY rotating compost bin tumbler.
DIY Compost in Piles and Bins
This is a really easy way to make compost into piles and in bins.
DIY Open Compost Pile
One of the fun things about composting is that you can do it practically anywhere. Literally outside on the ground in a big ole pile.
Here’s a hot compost pile you can make in your backyard.
Under $5 Compost Bin
Want to start vermicomposting for just a few hundred… pennies?
This cheap compost bin can be made and kept in even in the tiniest corner in your house. This bin only requires $5 if you even have to spend that.
2-Bucket Worm Composter
Here’s how to make a 2-bucket worm compost bin in minutes.
Concrete Blocks Compost Bin
Believe it or not, concrete blocks compost bin can be created using concrete blocks. They last a long time and can work great for additional ventilation.
Keyhole Garden and Compost Bin
Do you happen to have a keyhole garden? If you do or want to grow a keyhole garden just so you can do this project. Here’s how you can make a keyhole garden and compost bin combo.
Perfect Compost Bin
Nothing is perfect, right? Not enough Trumps hair…
Well, this just might be the perfect composting bin you can build yourself.
Decorative Brick Compost Bin
If you’re looking for a compost bin design that will also improve your backyard aesthetics, your search ends with this decorative brick compost bin. It will give you a permanent compost structure as well as spruce up the look of your yard. A sure winner indeed!
DIY Straw Bales Compost Bin
Did you know you can compost using straw bales? Well, you can and making DIY compost bins out of straw bales is an excellent way to compost.
DIY Wattle Composter
If you’ve never heard of it before, there’s a composter called a wattle composter. If you’ve ever seen one, I’m sure you’ll never forget how it looked. It looks like it’s flawless for gardening and farmers to learn. Essentially you make them by simply
Compost Bin From Wood
We covered how to make a compost bin out of wood pallets in this guide, but there are many different ways of building a compost bin from wood.
This particular one is an outdoor wood bin and in terms of how to build a compost bin out of wood, it doesn’t get better than this.
Double-Decker Drum Composter
Have you ever heard of a Double Decker Turnable Compost Bin? Well, this amazing double-decker drum composter can be built with just your hands.
Multiple Compost Bin System
If one is good, wouldn’t two be better? In this case, yes it would indeed. You can make a multiple composting bin system to perform 2x the work.
Low-Cost DIY Compost Bin
This is one of the easiest compost bins you can make your spare time.
DIY Corrugated Iron Compost Bin
If you are looking for a DIY bin for vermicomposting, this is a good option for you. Behold, the corrugated iron composter.
Kitchen Compost Bin
This is a simple DIY kitchen compost bin you can make. To make this one, all you need is a sealable container. Even the plastic container that many coffee brands use, like Folgers. Empty the container and clean it.
Then just
This is one of the easiest kitchen compost bins you can make.
Wooden Pallet Planks and Wire Mesh Compost Bin
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
DIY X Compost Bin
Here’s how to make the compost bin in your spare time.
DIY Wire Fence Compost Bin
In addition to wooden and some metal compost bin plans, there are also wood and wire compost bin plans. See how to make a DIY wire compost bin here.
Repurposed Pallet Compost Bin
In the world of composting, building a compost bin from pallets is ideal. Wooden pallet compost bins make for some of the best composting bins out there. You can repurpose different structures into a composting machine. If you have any spare wooden pallets, you can make a compost bin out of pallets.
This video will show you how to make the DIY wooden pallet compost bin in your backyard. Afterward, you can also see how to make a compost heap from pallets.
Easy Compost Bin
If you just want a nice and easy compost bin to make, try this one out.
Easy Urban Compost Bin
This is an easy urban compost bin you can make. Here’s how to make it yourself.
DIY Indoor Worm Compost Bin
When you think of compost bins and especially worms, you picture the outside. You picture worms in the dirt with rainfall. But not all compost bins are designed for the outdoors. There are indoor composters as well. Make a DIY indoor worm composting bin and stay out of the rain.
Wire Mesh Compost Holder
Have you ever used a compost bin with wire mesh before? It may be a good option for you and you can build one yourself. Make a DIY wire mesh compost holder at home. You’re also able to use it for a composting tumbler as well.
Willow Composter
You probably have extra materials to make this quick and easy DIY willow composter. As long as you have some tree branches, you can weave them together to make this willow composter. Not just a compost bin, you can use it to make other things for your garden as well.
DIY Worm Composting Bin
This video will show you how to make the DIY worm composting bin in your yard with little space.
5-Gallon Bucket Compost Bin
What can you get from a 5-gallon bucket? A 5-gallon black gold! So if you have a 5-gallon available, make the most of it by transforming it into a simple bucket compost bin for your kitchen or garden.
55 Gallon Compost Barrel
Make a monstrous-sized composting bin with a 55-gallon barrel. You’ll have more than enough compost to make use of for your needs. Watch the video below on. how to make it.
Old Refrigerator Worm Composting Bin
Sooner or later, the refrigerator you have now will cease to function. Unless AI gives it god-like survival skills. When it does break, don’t get rid of it right away. You can take it and make a refrigerator worm composting bin. What better use could you get out of a broken refrigerator?
Garbage Can Compost Bin
See how to make a garbage can compost bin in an afternoon.
Upcycled Garbage Can Compost Barrel
You can make a DIY compost barrel out of garbage can by upcycling the garbage can. See the video below on how to make it.
DIY Drum Style Composter
This composter drum style rotates, allowing the compost matter to have enough air which also minimizes odor in the process and making the composting process a bit faster.
Metal Drum Compost Tumbler
Metal drums are versatile and useful for many gardening purposes similar to wine barrels. However, since these metal drums are, well… metal. They can rust and harm worms if you use them for worm composting. But the metal drum can be used to make compost tumblers. Rust and rotate away.
Teapot Compost Bin
A teapot isn’t just part of a song that’s short and stout. Take the pot and make yourself a teapot compost bin out of it.
Super-Sized Compost Bin
Ready for the big guns?
The $5 compost bin wasn’t enough for you?
Well, I can’t blame you. When you’re ready to upgrade your composting abilities, here’s how to make a DIY supersized compost bin.
Cardboard Box Worm Farm
Make a worm farm from a simple cardboard box
Here’s how to make the cardboard box worm compost bin.
Cardboard Box Composter
See how to repurpose cardboard boxes into compost bins like a pro. Hint: Think outside the box.
DIY Wheelie Bin Composter
Is your garbage bin just sitting there being useless? You can make a compost bin from a wheelie bin. The tutorial from Instructables is a good one to follow. It’s a mobile compost bin you can easily transfer in ideal locations around your homestead.
Plastic Storage Container Compost Bin
Take a simple plastic container and make a compost bin with it.
Plastic Tub Compost Bin

These Plastic tubs make for perfect DIY compost bins. This one can be made for very little investment as well.
$10 Compost Bin
This composter bin will cost just 10 dollars to build yourself.
Efficient Plastic Crate Composter
Got a spare plastic bread or milk crate? If you don’t, grab the next one you see if you can. These crates are perfect for repurposing into a unique compost bin that allows for more than the usual amount of air to enter the bin, making it more efficient.
DIY Compost Tumbler
You can make a homemade compost tumbler in the comfort of (the outside) of your own home. You’ll need a few tools to make this DIY tumbler. The video tutorial below tells you everything you need and how to make it, step by step.
Easy DIY Compost Barrel Tumbler
Here’s how to make an easy DIY compost barrel tumbler.
DIY Wood Barrel Compost Bin
Here’s a wood barrel compost bin that’s all natural. Wood barrels are also easy to customize for yourself or for someone else as a gift.
Log Compost Bin
Have you ever thought about using a log to make a DIY log compost bin? the same with the game stack sticks.
Wine Barrel Compost Station
There are many different uses for wine barrels. They have dozens of uses just for gardening purposes. One of them is, you guessed it. To use to make a DIY Composting Barrel Bin. Here’s how to craft a DIY wine barrel compost station.
Hardware Cloth Compost Bins
How would you like to make a DIY compost bin from hardware cloth that was also made to decorate your garden? Kill two birds with one stone with this one.
Efficient Wooden Compost Bin
Here’s how you can make an efficient compost bin for your garden.
Used Tire Compost Bin
Another composting tire bin option for you. Take an unwanted tire and make a simple tire compost bin with it.
DIY Kitchen Counter Compost Bin
A kitchen counter compost bin is useful for every kitchen just to store the extra scraps leftover from dinner.
Cedar Board DIY Compost Bins
As I said above, wooden compost bins are ideal and work great. This cedar board composter is no exception.
Simple Compost Bin
If you want to start off nice and easy with your DIY bin, this is the one for you. This simple compost bin is quick and easy to make.
Ultimate Compost Bin
Last but not least, the ultimate compost bin. What makes this particular DIY bin so special is the sheer volume and longevity this bin is capable of.
Compost Manure in 30 Days
What’s a heaping pile of compost without a hefty portion of manure? You can make DIY compost manure as well, and you can make it within 30 days.
GrowPoppies made an excellent video on how to compost manure. Watch the video tutorial below from on how to compost manure within 30 days.
The Best Composting Bins
You might be wondering what the best composting bins are in general. What makes them better than the majority of the others?
There is a great article on the best compost bins you can check out.
DIY is a major part of any homesteaders daily life. The more developed and skilled you are as a builder and crafter, the more self-reliant and self-sufficient you’ll be overall. That includes gardening for food production for you and your family. Naturally, composting is something you learn as you work in the garden. After learning about the benefits not just for you, but for the environment in general, composting is a no brainer.
Composting is one of the most popular and environmentally friendly methods of recycling. It doesn’t matter if you live on a two-acre homestead or just getting started with adapting some homesteading skills around your house. Just be sure to check your states homesteading rules and regulations for these activities just to be on the safe side.
As we usually say in the homesteading world, “Why pay for it when you can DIY.” So again, skip the store for your composting bin and take a shot at one or two of these DIY composting bin projects.
Have you ever made a DIY composting bin before?